Tips to Foot Care | Tips to Care Foot from Skin Disease

tips to foot care

Keep your feet clean and dry:
          Wash your feet regularly and keep them clean and dry, especially between the toes. Fungus and infection thrive in moist environment, keeping your feet dry and clean will make it more difficult for them to thrive in such conditions.
Avoid sharing foot gear: 
             If you wear other people shoes and socks, you can easily get fungal infections. So always wear your own foot-gear to keep your feet healthy.
Get periodic foot exams: 
             Visit a podiatrist if you are experiencing any symptoms like pain, redness, swelling, discoloration that persists. It should be checked out by a podiatric physician so that he can recommend the prescription medicine and how often you should have follow-up appointments.

Inspect your feet daily: 
          Look for discoloration of the nails, which could indicates nail fungus and also check your feet for cracks, cuts, blisters, scratches, redness, and swelling. By examining these minor problems early can prevent major problems later.
Prevent Cracking: 
            Moisturizing your feet will prevent dry skin, which is more likely to crack and become infected, and you can also apply petroleum jelly to feet and heels.
Moisturize your feet: 
           The skin on your feet is not naturally moist and needs to moisture with good quality moisturizing lotion or you can also use oils such as olive, almond, coconut oil etc.

Wear clean and dry socks: 

             Keeping your feet clean and dry is the first step to avoid infection. Wearing socks that keep feet dry will help your feet stay healthy. Socks made up of synthetic fibers tend to wick away moisture faster than cotton or wool socks.

Wear breathable footwear: 
          Wear shoes made of leather to allow air to circulate that keeps your feet dry and healthy. If you’re prone to excessively sweaty feet, choose a shoe made of mesh fabrics for maximum breathability.
Wear socks that fit properly: 
          Socks that are too loose can cause friction inside your shoes, which can lead to blisters and other irritations. Socks that are excessively tight can restrict free flow of blood circulation and trap moisture.
Wear socks to bed: 
            Instead of using heating pad or hot water bottle, wear clean, comfortable socks to bed, which is the best way to keep your feet warm during nights.
Cut toenails properly: 
         Cut toenails straight across but not too short. Avoid trimming too close to the skin, it can cause ingrown toenails. Gently file away sharp corners or rough edges with an emery board.
            Walking is the best way to keep your feet in an excellent condition. But ensure to wear appropriate athletic shoes when exercising.
Use sunscreen: 
             Apply sunscreen lotion on your feet while wearing sandals during the day to avoid sunburn and tan.
Athlete’s foot: 
           It is a skin disease caused by a fungus that commonly attacks the feet, so always keep your feet clean and wear good shoes and socks. Generally starts between the toes which can spread to other parts of the body. The symptoms of athlete’s foot are dry scaly skin, itching, inflammation, and blisters.
Wear right shoe:
         Select and wear the right shoe for the activity that you are doing, such as running shoes for running, sports shoe for sports.
Avoid walking barefoot:
         Shoes and slippers are the simple way to protect your foot from bumps and bruises and also from fungal infections.
Diabetic patients: 
          People suffering from diabetes should inspect their feet every day since diabetes leads to higher risk of foot sores and infections, should visit a podiatric physician at least once a year for a check-up.

Pumice stone:
           Gently remove dead skin and calluses with a pumice stone or foot file regularly for a beautiful look. Pedicure helps a lot in helping your feet healthy and neat.

Alternate shoes: 
            Try to avoid wearing the same pair of shoes every day.

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