Sexiest women 2011

Katrina Bowden finally elected for this year's sexiest woman, beating big names like Megan Fox and Kim Kardashian. Women who work as an actress was awarded the sexiest of the famous magazine, Esquire. Through an open poll.
Bowden occupied the top spot after successfully get rid of star of 'Transformers' Megan Fox and Kim Kardashian's sexy. Poll conducted by Esquire magazine, announced on Thursday (4/7/2011) ago. This may support the course with his career, knowing anyone who earned his sexiest woman then his career will soar as well.

Offer to play movies, model or a star would have ads in the can by Katrina Bowden who holds the most sexiest woman on this planet for the year 2011. You can see photos of this woman in Katrina Bowden photos, you can view and save a picture if you want.

Although said to be the sexiest but assessment not only of the appearance of the face the same alias body. But more to see the personality and style of their everyday lives. The woman who is reportedly close to the band's vocalist 'Armour For Sleep' Ben Jorgensen was indeed counted newcomer when compared to his rival. Even so he managed to get the majority of voters (estimated to be about two people as well)

Is this woman will get a similar degree by 2012. We'll see who the sexiest women in the next year!

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