Tips for removing stains her acne scars

Acne is still attached to the face is one that does not damage skin. But appearance is not desirable. It's more for women, the acne may reduce its beauty. Moreover, if the acne on the face numerous.

After acne is gone, even wrote an adverse effect, ie Acne scars, like black spots, acne scars or holes, the effect is to reduce facial beauty.
Here are ways you can follow:

Lemon juice
Squeeze lemon, apply to face 2x a day. Drinking lemon juice once a day.
Aloe Vera
Take gel and apply on face. Make juice and drink once a day.
Mix the honey and milk, then apply the face twice a day.
Drink plenty of water every day.
Supplements to treat your face to make it look more beautiful, glowing and refreshed.

First Frequently clean the face of the water at any time because a lot of greasy teens face is not cleaned will be attached to the pores and eventually acne.

Second Try as much as possible is not taxable smoke (if Paker Paker motorcycle helmet existing curtain or cover glass or wear both gentlemen spy agarmuka not exposed to smoke, cars and motorcycles).

Third Try not to eat spicy food (no pepper or cabenya) and do not eat much fatty food (just a little, not too little, because in addition to lubricate joints, required the formation of fat cells in the lungs and brain, Mother deficiency can both target organ) .

4th Most acne problems due to allergy to chicken meat and eggs. Test yourself in food, if you are allergic emang another try as much as possible to avoid these foods.

5th If pimples do push-push, push, push, if instead of count usually crazy black spots and stains on the face.

6th Do not stress, because stress-induced acne.

7th Often, sports, body heat will open Pori Pori face and remove dirt from the pores of the face.

8th If shampooing shampoos do not try to meet before your face, because most shampoos (especially Paker proteins such as Sunsilk egg and honey, if contact with skin causes acne).

9th Before you clean the front Paker bath of warm water and rinse (do not use hot water, hot water can solve the pores of the face. "'ll Even be a red skin red if the chamber flushed half Paker water is too hot. Do not flush with the rough in places acne. For it shall cause ulcers and eventually cause pockmarked and black spots on the face.

Latest tips are powerful, before you sleep (male οr day), suppose nο 9, then Cala Dine lotion on the face, apply equally not be too thick (if too thick olesannya could even nimbulin acne) should not be too thin ( it contains Cala Dine astringent material to summarize the pores of the face) and go straight to bed the next morning face wash until completely clean.

Effects Cala Dine regular use of this lotion will look quickly, you'll see the pimples on your face will appear more rarely, the skin pores will be concise and black spot will disappear as well, looking facial skin smooth and white.

Hopefully this woman beauty tips can be useful for membutuhkan.Semua is summarized in all women.
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