Pets: Spending with pets or even just their presence has been proved to be therapeutic for hospital patients. Put an aquarium with color fishes in your home or play with your dog. All this can help to reduce blood pressure and bring a feeling of relaxation.
Keep quiet: In some situations it’s better to be calm rather than argue or shout at somebody who is bothering you. It’s wise not to react. Wait and act later if necessary. You will actually feel better if you just keep calm.
Take a break when needed: We are human beings not machines, when you need a break, take one. Take a walk or do some quick stretches at your workplace or a give a call to your loved one. Take a day of vacation and allow plenty of time to yourself to take rest and to re-gain your strength.
Do your favorite things which you enjoy: Make time for leisure activities that give you joy and happiness such as playing a video game, gardening, cooking, volunteer work, art, etc.
Laugh as you can: The act of laughing helps your body fight stress in a numerous ways. Watch a comedy movies or programs on TV, read some jokes, or be with jovial people.
Learn to forgive: It can be difficult to forgive those who hurt us. But we know nobody is perfect, free yourself from negative energy by forgiving and moving on.
Learn how to say NO: Refuse softly to accept added responsibilities when you’re close to reaching them whether in your personal or professional life, putting on more than you can handle is a simplest way of inviting stress.
Be away from the people who stress you out: If someone consistently causes stress in your life and you can’t move the relationship around, limit the amount of time you are spending with that person or better to end the relationship entirely.
Take control of hot button topics: If you get upset with some of the conversations that you don’t like, simply avoid the topics from conversation list that annoys you. If you have to repeatedly argue about the same topic or subject with the same people, stop carrying it up or excuse yourself from the discussion when it’s the topic which you don’t like.
Adjust your standards: Perfectionism is a great source of unnecessary stress. Stop setting yourself up for failure by demanding perfection. Set realistic standards for yourself and others, and learn to be okay with “good enough.”
Express your feelings: If something or someone is bothering you, express your concern or worry in an open and dignified way. Don’t bottle it up. People don’t realize what they are causing you, and a little comfortable conversation can make things better and even strengthen the relationships.
Have a healthy diet: Start your day with healthy breakfast to keep you active so that your body is better prepared to cope with stress. Carrot and apple are the proven foods to reduce stress, when you are stressed, have a carrot or apple to defeat stress.
Accept the things you can’t change: We can’t avoid some source of stress, such as love failure, death of a loved one etc, in such situations. The best way to deal with stress is to accept things as they are. Acceptance may be not easy, but in the long run, it’s easier than railing against a situation you can’t change.
Stay away from alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs: Self-medicating with alcohol or drugs may give an easy get away from stress, but the relief is only temporary. Don’t mask the issue on hand but deal with the problems head on with optimism.
Before bed: Drinking a glass of water will help when you are in stress. If you feel stressed or tense before going to bed at night, a glass of warm milk can make you feel relaxed.
Have a deep sleep: sufficient sleep energize not only you body but also your mind. If we are frequently short of sleep, then your concentration and effectiveness suffer and your energy levels turn down. This diminishes your effectiveness in your job, and can consequently increase stress.