Tips After Child Birth

Being a tough and painful process, the process of childbirth is called labor.
Unlike ordinary cramps, labor pain is characterized by regular contraction of the womb. Starting from an interval of every 20 minutes, the frequency of the labor pains increases to 3 to 4 minutes.

Each labor pain consists of contraction and relaxation periods. During contraction, the neck of the womb (cervix) gets dilated. As it becomes stronger, the plug of mucus which covers the mouth breaks, letting bloodstained discharge. This occurs during the relaxation period. During each contraction, the muscles of the womb push the baby’s head further towards the cervix, thus stretching the cervix. Eventually, the mouth of the cervix is fully dilated.

Starting from back, the pain gradually moves to the front. From onset of pain to full dilation takes 12 to 24 hours, thus giving ample time for hospitalization.

Once the cervix is fully dilated, the sac of water surrounding the baby bursts. With this leakage of fluid, the labor pain heightens. The mother feels an extreme urge to push the baby out. Remember, all it takes is strong will, for nature is always there to help us out.

Eventually, the baby’s head reaches the edge of the mother’s body (vulva). After that the limbs and trunk are pushed out. As the baby comes out. Lot of blood-stained fluid also gushed out. This process of complete dilation of the cervix and eventually birth of baby takes anything between 15 minutes to an hour or two. As soon as the baby is out, the umbilical cord is cut and clamped.

After the birth, the placenta is separated from the womb. It takes about 10 minutes to do so and is usually possible through voluntary effort. But if the mother fails to do so, it can be pushed out by pressing the abdomen in a definite manner.

After birth, the doctor takes the 1-minute Apgar score to find to study the health of the child, with score 2 indicating perfectly health baby.

Source By: baby health cares. Blogspot

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